

So my friend Marcella and I have each decided to tackle a yearly goal (for me, painting, for her, sewing) and try to put pressure on each other to actually make progress! I'm also going to be posting what I do on my blog, in the hopes that it will keep me feeling as though I'm responsible to someone. The idea is to post something either once a week, or once every two weeks.

Here's my first painting, and it's really just an exercise to get me going. It's a copy of a photograph, since I wanted to make myself start thinking more seriously about value. (I'm not going to tackle color yet - or content.. that comes last.) I think it was reasonably successful, and I look forward to doing something similar next week to improve, because there is plenty of room for improvement.


Anonymous said...

I think it is beautiful. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Very cool, nice texture!

Katie Orcutt said...

oooooh super awesome, loooove the eyes

Matt said...

...getting stronger and stronger.

Hannah A. Sherman said...

i hope you've been doing more! i want to seeeeee

jason hickman said...

very nice!